My name is Austin Pritchard – I’m so pleased you came by my site.
If this is your first time visiting, here is a quick overview of what I work to do here. The main goal is simple, help people find significance in their life. As we become stronger we get the privilege of being able to help others.
There are six ways I try to help others on their journey through life:
- Through discipleship.
- Through one-on-one mentoring.
- Through positive motivation.
- Through providing inspiration.
- Through promoting self-improvement.
- Through humor.
Where should you begin?
The blog has articles on faith, mentoring, and relationships.
I hope you find encouragement and hope, but most of all I hope you feel the love of God here.
If you are in the Gettysburg, PA area check out our church events. You can check out my blog and learn about my core beliefs here.